Sunday, January 10, 2016

SSLC Science Practical Instructions February 2016

10th Science Practical Examination

Starting Date: 22.02.2016
Ending Date: 02.03.2016
Morning Session : 9 to 12 ,  Evening Session: 2 to 5

Subject Code: 11
Time Duration : 2 ½ Hours
                        Physical Science      -           1 ¼ Hour

                        Biological Science    -           1 ¼ Hour

Mark Distribution:              

Total Marks    -           25  ( Pass mark  15  )
Internal            -           5  ( Att-1,Perfo-1, Motiv-1, Record-2)

External :-

Physical Science
                        Physics           - 1 Question   -           5 Marks
                        Chemistry       - 1 Question   -           5 Marks
Total    -           10 Marks       
Biological Science
                        Botany            - 1 Question   -           5 Marks
                        Zoology          - 1 Question   -           5 Marks
Total    -           10 Marks       

Click Here to Download 10th Science Practical Instructions