Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Valentine Special

Fast ஆ Scroll  பண்ணாம ரசனையோட படிங்க friends. 
எல்லாம் இந்த உயிர்
 மண்ணில் இருக்குற வரைக்கும் தான்.

Once a guy said to a girl:

 "Love is like a rainbow, it's colorful and makes people smile.
Love is like an ocean, it's deep and beautiful.
Love is like the sun, it shines and it's warm.
Love is like rain, it's calm and refreshing.

Will you let me show you that love?"

The girl shook her head while smiling: "No"

The guy looked down sadly and then he heard her saying these words: 
"I want you to show me YOUR love..."

என்று  பிறந்தது எனக்குள்?
நான் உன்மேல் கொண்ட 
ஈரமான  என் இதயத்தில்
 எதற்கு நீ 
தீயை வைத்தாய்?

அமைதியான நீர்ப் பரப்பில் 
காதலெனும் கல்லை 
ஏன்  எறிந்தாய்?

உனது ஒவ்வொரு பார்வைக்கும் 
என் உயிரின் ஒரு பகுதி 
உன்னிடத்தில் தஞ்சமானதே!

உன் விழிகளின் கருமணி அசைவுகளில் 
கரைந்ததே என் அறிவு.

காதலெனும் தீயினில் 
என் நெஞ்சம்.

எவருக்கும் அஞ்சாத என் பார்வை 
எதற்கும் தலைவணங்காத என் ஆண்மை 
இவையெல்லாம் எங்கே போயிற்று?

அன்று நீ 
எதற்கோ சிந்திய சிரிப்பில்.
There was a girl who was playing in the park 
when she saw a picture in the bush. 

She kept the photo, 
but forgot about it until she was married. 
Her husband asked, "who is that little boy"
 in her wallet.

 She Answered. 
"My First Love".
 Then the husband smiled and said:
 " i lost this picture when i was nine years old".

A Girl asked a boy "if she was pretty"
He Said "No"

Then she asked" if he liked her" and
He Said "No"

She asked him "if he wanted to be with her forever".
He Said "No"
She then asked him "if he would cry if she walked away"
He again said "No"

She had heard  too much.
 She needed to leave... As she walked away, 

he grabbed her arm and told her to stay.
He Said,

"You're not pretty, You're Beautiful".

"I Don't like you, i love you".

 "I don't want to be with you forever, i need to be with you forever"
i wouldn't cry if you walked away,
"I would die".